
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Holiday Plaza, Johor Bahru

Today I went with 2 friends to the Holiday Plaza. The Holiday Plaza is a much older mall than the ones I've been to. I found some really nice shops there and can see I'll will have to take my daughters there when they come and visit.

This shop is a must for my daughters when they come and visit. So nice, so different.

 This is the one bag shop we went to. The owner was walking around without his shoes. A strange sight to my Western eyes. He invited us to go into a little backroom to see more designer bags.

The little back room.

At this shop one can buy the most beautiful things for your hair. Here I found the hair 'chopsticks'. Now I don't have to use the disposable chopsticks that are too long.

This is a nail studio with all the customers' shoes outside. To my Western eye this is still so unusual. There is no way I'd leave my shoes, good or bad ones, outside a shop in S.A. Especially not in a mall where I don't see security guards around.

I have not seen someone's hair being washed without the use of a basin before. And to have one's shoulders massaged too! Bliss.

In my country a sweet shop is a sweet shop and not a place for savouries and NO chocolates! There were no chocolates in this place!! There is a huge difference in the definition of sweets between the Western and Eastern cultures. Very interesting.

Is not now cute or what!? These are the tiniest and smartest little shoes I've ever seen and then they have a name brand in them too!! I don't know what they cost, cannot be cheap.

I probably said it a hundred times, but I enjoy Malaysia. On the way back, the teksi driver was caught by surprise when I tried my hand at Bahasa Malayu. I told him his teksi was sekit when it sounded very rickety after going over a bump. We had such a good time trying to talk to each other after that. He tried to teach me, and I tried to understand. It must have been my best effort so far at trying to have a conversation in Malay with someone. There is hope for me to master the language.

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